I am a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering advised by Prof. Rama Chellappa. My broad research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, computer vision and computer graphics. My current work is on robust action recognition leveraging videos from multiple viewpoints and using synthetic data.
Previously, I obtained an MS in ECE from University of Maryland, College Park. In previous life, I received a Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, where I worked with Prof. Kaushik Mitra at the Computational Imaging Lab.
Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation with Masked Pre-Training
and Collaborative Self-Training arXiv 2023
Video unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) by leveraging CLIP for masked distillation and self-training on target domain data.
DIFFNAT: Improving Diffusion Image Quality Using Natural Image Statistics
arXiv 2023
Proposed a general "naturnaless" preserving loss based on projected kurtosis concentration property of natural images.
Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition: A Dataset and Baseline Performances
ICRA 2023
Released RoCoG-v2 dataset for synthetic-to-real and ground-to-air action recognition, and baselines on these domain shifts.
Ketul Shah*,
Arun Reddy*,
William Paul,
Rohita Mocharla,
Judy Hoffman,
Kapil D. Katyal,
Dinesh Manocha,
Celso M. de Melo,
Rama Chellappa.
HaLP: Hallucinating Latent Positives for Skeleton-based Self-Supervised Learning of Actions
CVPR 2023
New contrastive learning method by generating positives in latent space for self-supervised skeleton-based action recognition.
Anshul Shah,
Ketul Shah*,
Aniket Roy*,
Shlok Kumar Mishra,
David Jacobs,
Anoop Cherian,
Rama Chellappa.
Cap2Aug: Caption guided Image to Image data Augmentation
arXiv 2023
Generate diverse augmentations using image-to-image diffusion models via captioning.
Multi-View Action Recognition using Contrastive Learning
WACV 2023
Improved hardness-aware supervised contrastive learning objective for multi-view action recognition.
FeLMi : Few shot Learning with hard Mixup
NeurIPS 2022
Generate samples using manifold mixup and select hard samples based on uncertainty.
Improved modeling of 3D shapes with multi-view depth maps
3DV 2020 (Oral Presentation)
A novel encoder-decoder generative model for 3D shapes using multi-view depth maps; SOTA results on single view reconstruction and generation.
Photorealistic Image Reconstruction from Hybrid Intensity and Event based Sensor
arXiv 2018
Novel method for generating high-frame rate video from a conventional camera and an event sensor.
Warp the intensity frames by first estimating scene depth and ego-motion.